Sunday, June 07, 2009

thanks for a great weekend of fun and memories!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Hi all

Carol Henneforth Gulliver is our newest member of the Alumni
Band! Welcome her --


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hi all! Looking through shirts from past years. Which one are we wearing this time (from which of the past years)? Thanks

Monday, November 10, 2008

Time to start making some connections here! Sign in, post and let's get a loop rolling.

I'll ask the first question. What can we do to get in shape, increase our stamina and be ready to march in June? Six and a half months to go!

Also, I am investigating having old band records converted to CD's. Anyone interested in a copy? If so, I'll dig up the records and tell you which ones I have to copy.

Here's a list of people who have been invited to the blog, and a list of those who have responded to the invitation. Let's get talking!


Invited: Michelle Wilcox Barker, Joanne Hoefler, Luanne Collins, Sue Hill, Mary Dromgoole, Teresa Yacono Jones, Lois Ingram McCormick, Dee Suozzo, Tammy Hall, Lori Cook, Lorrie Packer, Jim Keefe, Pete Lawrence, Mark Perrin, Jim Noon, Jim Bays, Kate Severinsen, Nancy Miner, Sheila Noon Klein, Laura Fagan, Kathy Yasa, Donna Moren, Colleen Law-Tefft, Kevin Keefe, Becky VanSteinburg Sabin, Connie Dewey-Wright and Dale Dalton.

Those who have responded to the invitation to blog are: Anne Keefe Caton, Cathi Hoefler, Maureen Cooley, Dot Tarbell, Jackie Quinn, Sharon Cahill Follett, Jim Hoefler, Donna Howard Steckline, and Tom Lawrence.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Thanks for the invite Rose. Glad to be here
great idea!
Welcome to the S-E Alumni Band and Color Guard blogspot.

Let's get ready for a great appearance on Main Street in Sherburne!